URMS | Services
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“Sustainability is a constant effort in our legendary levels of service , Customer service for us is a journey we enjoy and not a destination”


Sourcing in today’s vocabulary reaches far beyond the confines of one company or region. We provide the right choice in a diverse market of options with the right understanding to cater to each of our client’s raw material demand. We continuously manage and work closely with both our supplier chain partners and Industrial buyers to ensure the the right source of material with sustainability in a responsible manner.
We are committed to maximizing the sourcing value chain with superior customer service, product quality control, while co-ordinating  at all levels the procurement process, evaluations, certifications, negotiation and execution of our sourcing activities. These also include product performance, quality and overall value with due consideration to price, delivery and after service.
Supplier portfolio management is a critical element in Sourcing for which URMS is proud to work closely in the supply chain to mitigate risks and frictions associated in the sourcing process.


URMS’s globalized marketing team is always on the forefront in every regional market across the globe. With a professional outlook and appraisal of changing market trends and conditions we continue to underpin both our appraisal of market conditions and forecasting to provide our buyers with accurate and well-researched information related to commodity price, policy and future movements in regional markets.
With comprehensive data and global networking we provide course-correction strategies in commodity management. In today’s challenging economies and major fluctuations in demand and price we strive in providing accurate information and analysis data.
In order to meet the challenges and concerns of our buyers and suppliers we develop flexible marketing strategy that improve profit margins and deliver revenues.In relation to market indices of PRICE, INVENTORY AVAILABILITY, CAPACITY, GEO-POLITICAL ISSUES, PREDICTING FUTURES, POSITIONING VIEWS, our marketing services strengthen visibility , reduce risk and improve the business process.


URMS’s comprehensive Logistic team is responsible for the Land Air and Sea transportation, storage and delivery of your raw material with accurate shipment co-ordination to your doorsteps.  The movement of these physical commodities with precision and efficiency across global ports is our undying commitment to our buyers in the raw material industry. Our core commitment is to to deliver on time so that our buyers can avoid periodic volatility of the raw material pricing. In this value aspect we do not compromise.
Our professional distribution team/partners across the globe can accommodate and streamline all range of deliveries both simple and complex with precise analysis on shipment schedules 24 hours a day and updates on competitive shipment cost to ensure our buyers have the best return on their deliveries. We provide the highest efficiency in shipping, trucking, warehousing, global logistic, import trade compliance and a complete supply chain solutions for your raw materials at the destination.


We understand the importance of raw material finance and work with selected clients in various sectors to assist in structuring tailored raw material finance packages that facilitate the forward movement of the business. We work closely with top class banks and International insurers to create total solutions while taking risk factor into serious consideration.
URMS’s Trade & Finance team will evaluate all unique and comprehensive financing from short term capital solutions to long terms financing of commodities project.